Dress for the Boss You Are:
Own Your Look, Own Your Power

Style Coaching for Transformation  🚀

Your clothes are more than fabric. They're a declaration.

 A declaration of who you are, where you're going, and how freaking amazing you feel.

We'll go beyond the trends.

We'll delve into the essence of who you are, what you value, and what makes you shine. We'll craft a wardrobe that's not just stylish, it's an extension of you.

Is this for you?

  • You crave to express your authentic self through style.
  • Building a stylish wardrobe leaves you feeling lost or overwhelmed.
  • You want to radiate confidence and embody your highest self, head-to-toe.

 Imagine stepping into a version of yourself brimming with confidence.

A version that radiates power and authenticity every single day. 

🔥 That's the magic of style coaching 🔥 

Unleash Your Style Essence:

 Discover your unique style personality. It's not about following trends, it's about embracing what makes you YOU.

Express Yourself Authentically:

 Ditch the fashion faux pas and learn how to dress with confidence, letting your true self shine through every outfit.

Effortless Shopping: 

No more endless browsing or overwhelming choices! Together, we'll create a personalized shopping experience that fits your needs and budget.

A Cohesive Wardrobe: 

Say goodbye to outfit struggles! We'll curate a versatile wardrobe that empowers you to feel amazing every single day.

Ready to unlock the power of style?

🎨 How it Works:

Initial Consultation (Free):

We'll chat about your style goals, challenges, and personal preferences.

You'll take our fun and insightful style quiz (the one you just aced!).

We'll discuss your budget and lifestyle needs.

Personalized Style Analysis:

Based on our consultation and quiz results, I'll create a personalized style profile that defines your unique style essence.

We'll identify your body type and flattering silhouettes.

You'll receive a curated mood board filled with style inspiration tailored to you.

 Wardrobe Detox (Optional):

We'll work together to declutter your closet and identify pieces that no longer serve you.

You'll learn how to edit your wardrobe for maximum versatility.

This creates a clean slate for building your dream wardrobe.

Shopping Spree (Optional):

Skip the shopping overwhelm! I'll guide you on a personalized shopping experience, tailoring it to your budget and needs.

We'll find key pieces that elevate your wardrobe and make you feel amazing. Learn expert shopping tips and tricks to become a confident shopper.

Photoshoot Preparation 
 Based on your brand strategy, I can offer guidance on wardrobe selection, location scouting, and overall photoshoot style. This ensures your photoshoot translates your brand vision into stunning visuals that captivate your ideal clients.
Ongoing Support:

                                                                         You'll receive ongoing style advice and outfit inspiration.

Gain access to exclusive resources and style guides. Feel empowered to express your authentic self through fashion, 
every single day.

Ready to step into your brand's full potential?


Stay up to date on all events and special offers by joining the Ro Faraco Authentic CEO Newsletter.

Join the Ro Faraco Authentic CEO Newsletter and gain access to a treasure trove of empowering resources:

EMPOWERING BUSINESS TIPS & STRATEGIES: Learn how to build a thriving business aligned with your purpose.

INSPIRING SUCCESS STORIES: Hear from other female entrepreneurs who are CRUSHING IT!

SPECIAL OFFERS & DISCOUNTS: Be the first to know about exclusive deals on coaching programs and resources.

MONTHLY MOON CYCLE INSIGHTS: Discover how to harness the power of moon cycles for business growth and personal well-being.

PLUS, you'll receive a FREE Soulful Business Starter Guide to kickstart your journey to success!

Embrace Your Cycle. Maximize Your Capacity.
Grow Your Brand Authentically

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