Imagem capa - 10 WAYS TO USE BRAND PHOTOGRAPHY - PART I - por Ro Faraco


This week we are going to talk about where you can use your brand photography session, you are going to see how many ways you are going to used it.
As an entrepreneur, there are countless places where you need to use photography for your business. 

Every aspect of marketing includes visuals, so what, where and how you use them is key to creating a successful brand and marketing strategy.

Photography showcases your product and is the visual representation of your brand, so quality is key. While having an enticing copy is an advantage, without strong visuals to back them up, even the most innovative of marketing campaigns will fall flat. 

Visual communication is powerful, so learning how to use it effectively is a significant asset for business owners. Here is a roundup of 23 different ways you can use your brand photography effectively!

Photography showcases your product and is the visual representation of your brand, so quality is key. While having an enticing copy is an advantage, without strong visuals to back them up, even the most innovative of marketing campaigns will fall flat. 

Visual communication is powerful, so learning how to use it effectively is a major asset for business owners. Here is a roundup of 23 different ways you can use your brand photography effectively!


Pinterest is a fantastic platform for creatives to post and share imagery with each other and to gain a following. However, with such an abundance of images, posts need to stand out from the crowd in order to be noticed and re-pinned. If your brand images are top-notch, then you can expect to be successful on Pinterest.

I’m also a huge Pinterest fan and it’s my biggest source of website traffic! I definitely credit that to the graphics I make for each blog post to attract readers.


Blogs are a fantastic avenue for engaging your customer base online. With that said, no matter how interesting and well-written your posts are, without appealing images to support your copy, most readers will quickly lose interest. If you’ve decided to create a blog, make sure the content you put out is appealing for both the eyes and the mind.


Pop-ups grab the attention of users on your website and prompt them to subscribe or alert them to time-sensitive information like a sale. However, if they are poorly designed, they can quickly turn into a nuisance instead. By using quality imagery and relevant information in your pop-ups, you can ensure that your users stay informed and happy.


Website banners have recently become a popular method of directing visitors’ attention towards specific information and areas of a website. Many therefore make use of attractive brand imagery to grab people’s attention. They are often the first thing a visitor sees when entering a website, so make sure that your images are strong enough to attract the attention and curiosity of users.


Think of your about me page as an opportunity to introduce yourself to your clients or followers.😄 As with any introduction, first-impressions are key since people make quick assumptions, so the photos you share of your personal brand should reflect your core values & personality. 

This is an opportunity to showcase the best qualities of yourself and your brand! A tip is to pick the top 3 words to describe your brand and make sure your ‘about me’ photo embodies those characteristics. My brand words are vibrant, playful and feminine, and you can see the photo I chose to use below.🤗 


Having a Facebook business page is very useful as a platform for newly interested clients or followers to get to know your products or services, become familiar with your brand and find out your contact information. Therefore, it makes sense to use attractive imagery that communicates the professionalism and purpose of your brand in the cover images and profile photos to create a positive first impression.


Instagram has quickly become a must for both creatives and businesses due to its large user base and its ability to communicate to an audience with the combination of images and words within each post. It’s the social media platform that lets us really showcase our visual aesthetic.

It’s a fantastic way to stay connected with your user base and grow your brand’s following. Photos are of course, at the heart of this platform, so make sure to post images that are both visually appealing, relevant to the latest trends and unique to your brand in order to stand to your audience while they are scrolling through their feed and hopefully convert them into customers!

8.     ADS

Ads are everywhere these days, whether you’re walking downtown, watching TV or surfing the web. With so much competition for attention out there, new businesses need to create imagery that is both visually attractive and stimulating in terms of its message in order to compete.


Events are a fun way to attract new clients and engage with existing customers face to face. However, the quality of the invitations you send out could mean the difference between a full house and a party for one.☹️ Whether digital or printed, invitations should include images and graphics that intrigue the recipients so they are sure to attend.


Business cards are useful for creating a positive first impression, and staying in contact with a new biz relationship, but only if they’re done right. Utilize photos and graphics to personalize your company business cards so that they reflect the professionalism of your business but also make the person you handed it to want to hang on to it because it’s that nice!👌

I give away a FREE Branding Session to one VIP subscriber every single month! 📸 VALUED AT $ 490 ➡ MAKE ME VIP

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