Imagem capa - 10 WAYS TO USE BRAND PHOTOGRAPHY - PART II - por Ro Faraco


As we see in the past post, last Friday, 10 Ways to Use Brand Photography - part I -
This week we are going to make it bigger, yes, is so much work being creating your business, I know what you are thinking now, but today in this world you need to be there.
As an entrepreneur, there are countless places where you need to use photography for your business. 

Every aspect of marketing includes visuals, so what, where and how you use them is key to creating a successful brand and marketing strategy.


Newsletters are a popular way to stay in touch with your client base and let them know about upcoming events and opportunities. I know I despise the overwhelming amount of newsletter I receive, but if it’s a nicely designed email from one of my favorite stores with beauuuutiful photos, I’m actually happy opening and browsing the new arrivals!

However, when the newsletters are poorly-designed they can become a nuisance and often end up in the spam bin. To ensure that your email newsletters are communicating effectively with your client base, it’s important to include an intriguing headline AND visually stimulating images that will grab the recipient’s attention.



Used properly, website buttons are an efficient way to simplify navigation on your business’ website. Users are easily distracted and overwhelmed on pages with too much content, so creating buttons that are simple and uncluttered is best. Using sample images as buttons both improves the look of your website, and makes it easier for users to browse and quickly find what they’re looking for.



Facebook tabs allow businesses to customize their Facebook walls with any number of marketing media. Brand imagery and videos can be used within any number of tabs on your wall to bring attention to products, events and marketing campaigns for your brand.



If you have created a dedicated app for your business, the kind of images you use within it can become a significant advantage. Whether your images are being used as buttons or within a gallery, they should all be attractive and engaging enough to keep users on the app for as long as possible.



Brochures effectively communicate your business offerings to new clients, however, written descriptions are simply not enough. Brochures should include intriguing sample images of your past work and other offerings in order to effectively communicate the quality and type of services you offer.



Welcome packets are a fantastic way to introduce your brand to new clients. A packet could include various marketing materials, brand imagery, or samples of your products or services. By including strong visuals in your welcome packets, you are sure to impress new clients and make them glad they chose you over the competition.



First impressions are important, but sometimes the impressions you leave with a client you’ve already worked with can be even more crucial. Small touches like sending out personalized thank you cards can make a world of difference and can increase the chance of a client returning. By including top-notch brand photography in your thank you cards, you give them an added personalized touch and a professional appearance.



In creating a pricing guide for your business, it’s not enough to just state the facts and figures. By including high-quality images of your products or services, clients are able to better compare the costs and benefits and are likelier to make a purchase.



Store displays are common, but not all are made equal. The best displays are those that make use of bold, enticing images and decorations. By incorporating beautifully photographed images in your store display, you are sure to grab the attention of passers-by and arouse their curiosity.



Getting your business featured in a publication is a potent marketing strategy, however, in order to do so, you must first create a press release. Magazines and publishers receive numerous press releases, so it is important to make sure that yours stands out from the crowd. By including professionally photographed brand imagery in your press releases, you can be sure that the professionalism of your brand will shine through.

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