Social media is a crowded space, and using images is a great way to grab attention. A social media post accompanied by a photo is ten times more likely to get engagement.

Because our brains respond so quickly to images and color in comparison to other types of information, an image is an almost irresistible draw on social media.

Of course, to truly get the attention you want, you have to share images that are of interest to your target audience. If you’re focused on college-aged men, you don’t want to share pictures of families with children. Instead, you want to find out what visuals matter to your prospects and fans.

📌Images Help Your Audience Remember Your Message

Studies show that people only remember 10 % of what they hear once 72 hours have passed. However, if you pair a relevant image with your material, people can remember 65% of the information after three days.

This is an incredible jump in retention, and it shows how important images are when you’re trying to build a brand and communicate your marketing message. Text-based information is incredibly inefficient on its own, so be sure to always to include an image.

📌Consistent Imagery Across Platforms Builds Identity

When you post on a variety of platforms, be sure to keep your visual identity consistent. When people see similar types of images, colors, and patterns on Pinterest like they do on Facebook, they’ll associate those images with your brand.

You would, of course, want your products and services to be listed similarly across multiple platforms. In the same way, keeping a visual brand identity consistent will help people understand that your Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook accounts are all connected.

Using relevant images on social media allows you to gain attention, build loyalty, communicate vital information, and increase engagement. If you want to stand out, develop a visual brand identity just as carefully as you prepare your sales pitches. When you stay consistent and connect images with your marketing message, your brand will have more staying power.

So a few weeks ago we see what is branding all about if you lose this post please click here 👉 Branding is more than just a logo, colors, and fonts. Your visual identity is actually made up of lots of different elements, including photography, but what is brand photography, why is it important and how can you get some for your own brand? 

What is brand photography? ➡ READ NOW 

Why brand photography is important


82% of consumers trust a company more — and 77 % are more likely to buy from a company — if the founder uses social media. This isn’t to say that these photos are just for your social media profiles, or that they should all include you, but to point out that people want to connect with other people, relate to others and see the face behind the company. 

Now I know what you’re probably thinking, and as someone who HATES having their photo taken and objectively looks much better in person than in photos, I hear ya! But I’ve realized how important it is that people know who I am, conquered my fear over time, found a photographer who makes me feel comfortable and confident, and had my first set of branded photos taken last week! So from one non-supermodel business owner to another, I can assure you that it’s doable, not as scary as you think, and totally worth it! (Watch this space! I’ve seen the first edit of my pics and they’re so cool!) 

When you and/or your team can be seen throughout your marketing, potential clients will be able to see who they would be working with, get a glimpse into the process, and imagine themselves being a part of that experience. Photos with humans in them take your products and services from seeming unattainable, conceptual or hypothetical, and bring them into reality as something tangible, achievable and desirable.



People form a first impression in just 50 milliseconds, so everything you share has to wow and do it fast! Good quality, consistent, professional brand photography is going to help capture potential clients in a flash as they’ll see that you appreciate the attention to detail, high-quality content, consistency and great aesthetics. I know that if something is presented well, I’m already mostly convinced without even knowing anything about the product or service! 


We all know by now that visual content goes a long way and has much better engagement than text-only content, and if you’re not convinced yet, here are some cold, hard facts for ya.  65% of marketing execs say photos, videos, illustrations, and infographics are key to communicating your brand story; Facebook posts from brands that included images earned 87 percent of all engagements; 51% of B2B marketers prioritize creating visual assets as part of their content marketing strategy; tweets with images receive 150% more retweets than tweets without images; articles with an image once every 75-100 words received double the social media shares as articles with fewer images; Facebook posts with images see 2.3X more engagement than those without images. (Hubspot) Onboard yet? 

You need images and more importantly, you need good quality, on-brand images. 


You might have your logo, colors, and fonts down, but if your photography doesn’t match, you’re in trouble. Having all of your visual elements work together cohesively is vital in maintaining brand consistency. Brands that are consistently presented are 3 to 4 times more likely to experience brand visibility and 90% of consumers expect their experience to be consistent across all channels and devices used to interact with brands. 

Now you may be able to find some good stock images that kind of work but chances are they aren’t quite on-brand, or if they are, a hundred other people are using the exact same photos in their brand. Stock imagery is good when you’re first starting out, and I still use some from time to time, but it should be the goal to have your own, unique and perfectly on-brand photos to use instead.


I give away a FREE Branding Session to one VIP subscriber every single month! 📸 


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